
To learn how to embrace the truth of God in order to deepen our relationship with HIM and transform our minds and actions.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Week 2 Teaching: Holiness

"God is holy and apart from everything that is sinful"

He is apart from us...separated. Separated from SIN and FROM US. His perfection--holiness--makes it impossible for God to commit sin or even look at sin with any approval whatsoever. To God it is black and white-right or wrong. If it is wrong, it does not come from him.

Because our lives are so filled with sin, to think of SINLESS is almost too much for our minds to wrap around. God's holiness is UNIQUE, INCOMPREHENSIBLE AND UNATTAINABLE. God personifies all things Holy... but understand that God is HOLY because he just is. He does not CHOOSE or WILL Himself holy, he is holy because he is pure. It is the very nature of himself.

God's holiness is his primary motive in his actions--He wants us to understand his holiness in all circumstances, and through that, God is ultimately glorified.

Because God is holy, he is unable to look upon sin. This very issue is why he provided salvation for us through Jesus. He also calls us to live a holy life. Even though it is UNATTAINABLE, this is the process of SANCTIFICATION--the process of purity. Through Sanctification, we are also righteous, because of Jesus' work on the cross. Not by our own self, but through God's Holiness, as he provided us a salvation for our sins, and then declared us righteous by the blood of Christ.

All of this is possible because God IS Holy. Awesome, huh?!

1 comment:

a day in frames said...

How simple and beautiful!