
To learn how to embrace the truth of God in order to deepen our relationship with HIM and transform our minds and actions.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Psalm 25:6-7,10
Psalm 35:5-6
Psalm 103
Psalm 139
John 13:34-35
John 19:28-30
John 15:9-17
Romans 8:31-39
Romans 12:9-10
Romans 13:8-10
I Corinthians 8:1-3
I Corinthians 13
One of my favorite things to do: Take verses 4-7 and rewrite them with God's name in place of Love and your name...so it would read something like this:
God is patient with Tiffany and Kind to Tiffany. God is not jealous of me, or boastful toward me or proud toward me. God isn't demanding of me--to do what HE wants me to do.
Galatians 5:22-24
Ephesians 3:14-21
Philippians 2:1-4
All of I John

What's your favorite? Is there another verse not here that talks about God's love that you want others to read?


njyj said...

ok...so I haven't made it through all the Scripture verses yet, but I was so blessed by Psalm 103. The whole passage from verse 1 to 5 really spoke to me. I was truly touched by verse 4, "He redeems my life from the pit." I thought about that alot. It is easy to envision a redeemed life once we finally escape the pit (whatever that can be defined as in each of our lives.) But God spoke to me about the time actually in the pit as well.

To truly grasp this, I must realize that He takes what I give Him IN the pit and redeems it also. All my tears, my crying out, my surrender, my hopelessness that finds hope only in Him, my suffering and sacrifice. All of this will be worth the redemption that will one day be mine, given to me by the Giver of all good things!

Oh how encouraging and such a blessing!!! God is so good.

TJ Crawford said...

Nancy, I'm so glad that God is encouraging you right now...and remember that he redeems you from the pit because he loves you!