Week I
Names of God
Hey Everyone...Before your get started this week, please make sure to introduce yourself in the previous post!!!!
This Week's Objectives
-To understand the different names of God and the reflection of them on His character.
-To learn how to be in tune with how God reveals different characters of himself dependent upon what we need most.
-Be encouraged to actively seek out the different names of God.
What are the first five names/characters that God is to you
right now and why? These characters can be positive or negative. Post your answer. How do these names affect the way you accept Him or reject Him?
Example: God is a teacher to me this week. I gave the message at church, and as I was trying to figure out my rhythm between my notes and reading from the Bible, he told me to cling to the BIBLE and not my notes. He gently reminded me that His word is what I hold on to, and the rest is just...well...the rest.
MONDAY: Teaching on the Names of God and why it's important
TUESDAY: Scripture for you to explore and meditate on.
At this point of my life God is:
-My strength: There is no possible way I could be living in this house cooped up in a room with my family without Him.
-My machine that tests a product over and over: I'm His test product right now that is being stretched to it's limit and then stretched some more just to see how far until I break!
-My dad: He keeps me accountable
-My punching bag: Cause at this point in life I need to vent!
-My mom: When I'm done venting He wraps His arms around me and reminds me of His love!
I have noticed that at times these names produce hope, anticipation, anger, rebellion, exhaustion, and gratefulness. Wow...I'm all over the map on this one! :) Anyone have Prozac! LOL
Alright here I go:
- My teacher: teaching me that there is nothing in life that I can not handle. NO matter what things always get better
-My strength: no matter how little my patience is getting, he give me that little push I need.
-My counselor: He is there to listen to me and give me advice in his own settle way.
My Family- For loving me for who and what I am. No matter how crazy I get he will never just walk away from me.
- My lucky charm: Theres has been a few times this last week where Ive been lucky he was sitting up there watching...
This might have different if I was having a bad week. :)
Five names God is to me right now:
Hope: He will be the only one that can change my circumstances and/or use them for His glory. I can endure what I am experiencing with my husband and know that there is hope for "all things to work together for good"
Comforter: He wipes my tears and hears my cries. He reminds me that He is in control and that I can trust Him to make it one more day.
Emmanuel: God is with me. I hold this close to my heart as this is a very lonely time in my life due to an emotional separation between my husband and I.
King: The hardest part of my struggles and circumstances right now is that Scripture and the world tell me two different things. (Pretty normal, I know.) However, I must continue to confess God as my King and be willing to submit to His control and His teaching and leading in my life.
Redeemer: Someone shared with me this quote last week, "The time I spend in God's Word will be redeemed to me throughout the day." I have never spent more time in the Word that I have this past week, and I am amazed at what other things on my list get accomplished throughout the day. I do feel like He redeems the time I give Him by multiplying that time throughout my day to do other things.
My Five Characteristics-
A Eye Opener- Through recent situations of separation from my wonderful wife I have had “Eye Opening” experience of where my life was leading. He has turned a horrible situation, at times I think will never end, in to a life saving event for me. To be Saved. He has opened my eyes to the gifts he has gave me and the gifts I am still receiving..
My Mentor- He has taught me how to love in so many ways and to love myself for no matter what I have done in the past. He has taught me a new way of life and how to look a life at a different perspective beyond the worlds perspective. “ Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that may prove what is good, acceptable, and perfect , will of God” Rom 12:2
My Hope- Jesus is my hope. Plain and simple, if it wasn't for him I would have probably gave up on many things in life but through his grace and mercy he has shown on me, and the many long prayers of loved ones I have transformed into a different person. Praise God! I
A Friend- Anytime I feel alone or empty inside I know he is beside me or carrying me in the right path. He is someone to talk to when I am in need or to pour my emotions and heart aches to. He has picked me up when I am down and made me humble to all situations. He also has cheered me on by telling me, “ Never Give Up” that there is always hope.
Glorifier – He has made me the person I am today and I want to glorify him in ever aspect of my life. As a Christian, Husband, Father, Son, Brother, and a Friend.
I know we are just communicating online and I am not sure who communicates outside the blog beside with there study buddies. But we are all here and I would love to help in any way I can. So if any body has any prayer request I would love to put you in my prayer list to pray for your needs or any situation you may be going through.
I love how you were able to clearly distinguish the difference between the provisions of a mom and a dad--and that God is both to us, whenever we need him. He says in Isaiah--that even if a mom forgets her child, that HE never will. He says in Psalms that he is a father to the fatherless. He is both, mom and dad.
Yes, God is our counselor...WONDERFUL COUNSELOR...in I Kings it says to seek FIRST the counsel of the Lord. And may I suggest to you that you are not just "Lucky" that God is watching over you, but you have his favor? He has chosen you and you are blessed by Him. It is intentional, not a roll of the dice! he loves you for you! And you make a great point...our circumstances can change how we see God, but should they??? Hmmm....
I'm so sorry to hear about your 'separation' with your husband. I know what a struggle that is...but I'm grateful to see that you are clinging to the truth, even when it doesn't always seem to make "common sense". He is your redeemer, and your Hope. Love ya, girl!
Isn't it cool to see God as a friend? I know that forever, I thought God was something big and huge in the clouds, untouchable and unreachable. The minute we see him as friend, we know we can sit on the couch, and imagine him sitting right next to us. I love you! (I can say that--he's my brother!)
Please encourage your Study Buddy to participate... Part of being a Study Buddy is holding them accountable, so they too can grow in their relationship! You can do it with kindness...just a little encouragement!
My five names for God, My rock, grace-giver, comforter, friend, my biggest fan! The names grace-giver and my biggest fan go hand in hand for me. A few years ago I asked God to reveal to me what grace meant, when He spoke to me he said I Love You and I want to spend time with you. I realized then that in spite of the sinner that I am God wants to spend time with me. Who am I? that He The Creator of this universe would want to spend time with me? Through God's mercy I have come to accept myself as He created me and to believe that His mercies are new every morning and He loves me, I have no wants....Sure I have needs and He meets them daily, without fail, He is my biggest fan!!!
So my five names for God right now would be...
My Gardian- He watches over me. He keeps me safe especially in work.
My Rock- There are habits in the past that I have got away from and he keeps my mind and heart where it should be.
My Shepard- I am finding out that if I just believe in his word he will guide me in the right path.
My Brother- Sometimes I just need someone to talk to about how my day was and he is always there to listen.
And the last I dont really know how to put a name to it but he calms me down. Sometimes I get pissed about something simple and he can almost "slap" me in the face with calming words
I love that you say God is your biggest fan! We so often think of our biggest fan as our one of our parents...it reminded me of Gabbie's post, when she said that God is like her mother AND her father! God is so intricate in the way he works, and how he reveals himself!
God is guiding us and leading us, but only if we're willing to let Him. We spend so much of our life fighting against Him...and causing more issues for us in the process. And As he Shepherds us, he also sets clear boundaries with us, which gives us a sense of safety. I'm stoked you're doing this study! :)
My five names of God would be
Comforter~because I have suffered greatly over the last few months and without him I couldn't have survived it.
Teacher~because in all my suffering through my husband's sin, I have gained wisdom into my own sin and personal character flaws.
Husband~because even if I don't have my earthly husband...I have my heavenly husband.
Forgiver~because he is the only one that can truly forgive my sins and forget them.
Father~Because he is there to guide me and love me through all the good and bad. He knows I'm goign to make a mistake, but he's there to see me through it.
My comfortor - When I feel completely drained from what's going on in my life, I know He's there to comfort me.
My Strong Tower - He can not be move and will never crumble... even when I feel like everything else is falling down around me.
My Provider - He has given me and my family exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine.
Faithful - even though we are faithless.
Worthy - I am a worshiper, and I'm always reminder of how worthy God is of my praise when I sing to Him.
Sorry, guys. That last comment was mine. I get so confused with my different accounts... :)
Isn't it great to know that not only are we going to make mistakes, but God expects us to make mistakes--and loves us before AND AFTER!
Faithful is one of my favorites of describing God--I'm always in awe that in those moments I feel so distant from Him, when I finally return, I realize he was always there!
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