
To learn how to embrace the truth of God in order to deepen our relationship with HIM and transform our minds and actions.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Scripture to Study :: S2S

Just a little word on Studying Scripture. Often times we can get discouraged because when we choose to study the Word we come with a Great Expectation for a GREAT God moment. We should not seek the Word simply for the Experience--we should seek Him for HIM. We are to study the Word because:

God says so--out of obedience

If we hide the Word in our heart, like planting a seed, it will blossom and grow.

To allow the fruit of Self-Control (discipline) to manifest in our lives.

Sometimes we study the word, just to know where it's at in the Bible--to arm us, grow us.

There are LOTS more reasons to study the Word, these are just a few. I say this to you to encourage you. Sometimes God shows up in amazing ways, but sometimes not. He always shows up...but just not like our flesh expects, and desires.

Always Ask God to help you through. Ask God to illuminate the Word, show you what He's saying to you. Always enter into reading Scripture in prayer.

With that....

Genesis 14:22
Genesis 17:1-2
Psalm 91:1
Genesis 14:18
Genesis 16:13
Genesis 21:33
Genesis 22:14
Exodus 15:26
Exodus 17:15
Exodus 31:13
Judges 6:24
II Samuel 22:47
II Samuel 23:4
Psalm 3:3
Psalm 18:2
Psalm 31:3
Psalm 23:1
Psalm 24:10
Psalm 61:3
Isaiah 9:6
Jeremiah 23:6 Ezekial 48:35,



Identify the name of God in the Scripture and what that says about Him.


njyj said...

To Tiffany: Nancy

Couple of questions on the Scriptures. In Exodus 3:12 and Matthew 28:20, I didn't see a "name" although it is clearly talking about Him being with us. Also, I was simply confused on the last Scripture, Ezek. 7:9. I've studied the names of God before, but it's cool to come back to them again.

njyj said...

Genesis 22 and the story of Abraham going up to sacrifice Isaac is one of my favorite truths in history. I am amazed at how Abraham displays complete obedience in his intentions to sacrifice Isaac as the Lord has required. Did he have thoughts like, "Lord, You're crazy!?! You gave me a son only to sacrifice him?" Yet Abraham's faith was such that he obeyed and demonstrated every intention of following through with giving his son to the Lord as a sacrifice. I wonder what Abraham was thinking when he said to the young men who were with them, "Stay here with the donkey, and I and the lad will go yonder; and we will worship and return to you." (verse 5) His statement says "we" will return even though he knew Isaac was to be sacrificed. Hmmm...

I thought about the name "The Lord Will Provide" and place my hope in it in my own situation. I am having to "let go" of my marriage. I don't know how that compares to sacrificing it, but I know that there is nothing I can do right now but be obedient to the Lord and stop trying to fix it my way. I look forward to seeing how my Lord will provide for me.

TJ Crawford said...


The translation for "GOD" when speaking of the presence of the LORD is JEHOVAH SHAMMAH... literally translated "The LORD is there". Even those in our Bibles we don't always see the direct translation, when we see a pattern in Scripture talking about a specific character of God we can be assurred that there is a designated name for God.

So in Exodus, talking of I will be with you, Matthew says I will be with you. It's not God saying I will be with you metaphorically. God is saying I AM RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. So as you speak of laying down your marriage, know that God is JEHOVAH SHAMMAH...He is right there with you in the midst of the pain and suffering, and fear.

I liked your thoughts regarding Abraham....I don't know either if Abraham was embracing JEHOVAH JIREH, knowing that God would provide ORRRR If WE meant Me and God will return, because Abraham knew that no matter what, God would still be with him!!!!!

REGARDING EZEKIAL 7:9 Other translations of that scripture read: "I am the LORD that smiteth" ... I always think of Bruce Almighty when I hear this name: JEHOVAH NAHEH .... The lord that Smiteth... This name occurs only once in scripture, but I thought it was important, because it shows that God is just and there will be a day of judgement!


TJ Crawford said...

one more thing...anytime we hold on to something so tight we fear letting go of--and we choose to lay that down--it is, indeed a sacrifice! Because we have allowed that THING OR PERSON to become our identity, and God wants us to sacrifice any part of our life that does not align with our identity in Christ!

Unknown said...


In the scriptures we read, I felt a big message from God is that he is with you regardless of the situation. Psalms really identifies to me that God is our shield and someone who will comfort us and provide for us. In Psalms it repeatedly says fear nothing and that he will reach out to us and protect and provide for us, that God is our refuge. The other scriptures from II Samuel revealed to me that his promise is true and he will keep it and he has set everything right for each and every one of us. For my sake he has turned me away from lots of evil that was guiding me in the wrong path but I have come to find out that he was with me the whole time I just chose not to listen. From Jeremiah I looked up on biblegateway.com and looked at the message and they gave him the name 'God-Who-Puts-Everything-Right'. If I personally could just instill that in my mind I know I wouldn’t worry or fear my circumstances about the future and realize he is control at all times of my life. God’s word is the Truth and won’t break his promise.

Anonymous said...



What wrongs do you have in your life?

Your own?

Others Wrongs Against you?

There is a God who puts everything right!

njyj said...

The God-who-puts-everything-right. God gave me a verse about that last week in Psalm 34. Verse 10 says, "The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." To me, God was encouraging me that as I seek Him, I will not lack the good things He has for me. If I am lacking something (like an engaged, intimate relationship) then it is not good at this time. Praise God He is also the Healer and Restorer. I continue to pray that my husband will be broken before the Lord and begin to allow the Healer to set him free. In the meantime, I pray that I will be diligent to go to my Healer and allow Him to work on me.

a day in frames said...

I'm a little late on this response, but I wanted to share my discovery! In the term of Adonai being my master, "boss man", having authority over me. My first thought is negative. God being demanding, selfish, "heavy handed" as my "boss man". The beautiful thing is that HE'S NOT!!! The word speaks of a loving and caring master. My God who's strength is beyond total understanding and love so deep over me He requires me to act "right"!
I love Him!! ;)

a day in frames said...

To Tiffany:Gabbie
Ex. 17:5
I noticed in several different translations of this scripture that it talks about the Lords banner.
What is meant by The Lord is my banner/Jehovah-Nissi?
(sorry it's a little late...I'm going back and digging deeper! ;) )